The modern method of oil extraction involves supplying a lot of heat. The oilseed is first crushed, and the pulp is heated under pressure. As a result, almost all the oil is extracted. The downside is that the oil is heated up to temperatures of 230 degree centigrade. Heating it to such high temperatures alters the properties of the oil molecules in unfavourable ways (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons are formed at high temperatures which are carcinogenic) – and strips it off of its nutritional value. After subjecting the oil to such high temperatures, manufacturers tend to use preservatives to prevent the oil from becoming unstable. Look for ingredients section, you will find antioxidants being added seperately by the manufacturers. Oils that have been refined through this process stay longer on the shelves and are more stable. This, however, is at the cost of its nutritional value. In olden times, a long cylindrical contraption called a “ghani” was used. The oilseeds were ...
At Desi Rox, we use Wooden Expeller (Lakdi Ka Ghana) for pressing oil from oilseeds. Our Team is dedicated to provide healthy food for healthy lifestyle. We believe our Indian ancient ways practices were healthy and worth practicing even Today so that whatever illness we have invited in the name of modernization can be reversed